Second in a day
Man, I shouldn't put more than one post a day, but there's so much on my mind.
tonight's topic: Chivalry. They say that chivalry is dead, and I somewhat agree, every day I mourn the loss of chivalry. This got me to thinking, how exactly did chivalry die? Well, there's one word: Feminism. Now, I'm not anti-women or anything, I just want to make that clear, quite the opposite, I believe that women are far better than men actually. They're smart, we're not, they know what to do most of the time where we just hang around asking each other "what do you want to do" for three hours. It is because of this that I mourn the loss of chivalry. Us guys don't really have much to give, but we try, by opening doors, or paying for our date's movie tickes, or walking on the right side of the sidewalk, so that our girl doesn't potentially get hit by a car. Now, since chivalry is dead, we can't do this anymore without seeming "macho" or "arrogant." This is far from the truth, the simple fact is, that this is all we really can give. Women, please, stay independent, but let us take care of you at least a little bit, we don't do all those things so that we can impress you, it's because we respect you.
uhh sorry to burst your bubble bro but i'm totally a woman who sits around for hours contemplating..."what am i gonna do today..."
hee hee
Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:54:00 PM
gooder, jer, gooder. It's true.
Friday, March 24, 2006 11:19:00 PM
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