if you love "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Moby Dick," or "A Tale of Two Cities," then prepare to hate all of them with a passion. For this one Autobiography will make you think that all other books look like toilet paper

Saturday, September 16, 2006

life lessons from a formerly useless slinkey

I just spent about half an hour repairing a slinkey. It reminded me of a relationship in a way. Let me give you the rundown: It seemed like a little thing that I did to twist up the slinkey a bit, but it was near the middle, so I did some twisting and turning and eventually it was just horrible! I looked like an impossible fix, indeed, even I didn't think I could do it (as I fix that particular slinkey very often, due to my incompetence). So I took a look at the slinkey, and followed the wire to the exact trouble spots, I had to do much maneuvering and forcing, and it seemed like I was wrecking it more, but in the end, I fixed it! (actually, I think I turned it inside out, but we all need to change a little bit). Much like a relationship, something gets twisted just a little, and you do your best to twist it back, but it just gets out of hand and horrible, and you don't know what to do when it looks like all is lost. Sometimes you've just got to twist and turn, and take risks in order to fix it, I mean, sometimes they don't always get fixed, but time heals all wounds, and in the end, it'll be ok.

ok bye.


Blogger Julie said...

Amen, brother, amen.

In the end it'll all be ok.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:33:00 AM


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