if you love "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Moby Dick," or "A Tale of Two Cities," then prepare to hate all of them with a passion. For this one Autobiography will make you think that all other books look like toilet paper

Thursday, October 12, 2006

where's my 3.125%?

ok, every time I go to Wendy's I like to have a Frosty. Yes the Frosty, the soquid you eat with a fpoon, one of the most wonderful things on the planet. Alas, there has come a hurdle between myself and utter satisfaction when I have a frosty: about one half inch of cardboard cup. Now I know that some of you are sitting there saying "you my friend, are just too picky, who cares if they stiff you on one of the best things in the world, just get over it you complaining scum." But NO! I will not get over it. If you go to any Wendy's with a picture of a froster on the roof, you see it nearly overflowing, fuller than the top, so you go in with high hopes and recieve a cup of delightful chocolate with ONE HALF INCH OF CUP SHOWING!! Now that's false advertising, the roof and the pictures clearly showing the cup COMPLETELY full, and when I get my cup that's only 96.875% full, that's just down right dissapointing, and when you ask them to fill it up, some do, some don't, but either way you feel like you're asking them to work 19 days without a bathroom break the way they look at you. Well, I just can't stand it anymore, every time I get a frosty and I'm not satisfied, because it's not everything they promised me, then I'm gonna fill out the comment card! yeah, it's gonna say "where's my 3.125% of frosty that you advertised, that I didn't recieve?" I urge all of you to do the same, it's just not fair, not fair at all.

ok, bye.


Blogger Julie said...

oh, Garry.

I mean Jeremy.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:55:00 PM

Blogger J. Edward Rohr said...

I'll have you know that I started complaining about this before Dad did. He just helped me in the everlong battle for justice!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:03:00 PM


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