if you love "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Moby Dick," or "A Tale of Two Cities," then prepare to hate all of them with a passion. For this one Autobiography will make you think that all other books look like toilet paper

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

keep useless comments to yourself

people, insulting others is not nice, love one another. Let me talk about hockey for a second. I like hockey, I'm a big fan of the game, however, there's one aspect that makes no sense to me. Say the Edmonton Oilers are playing the Calgary Flames. Here's the scenario: Ryan Smyth (oilers) gets a high sticking penalty, so he's in the box for two minutes, Calgary has a power play. Now the regular rules state that if Calgary scores before the power play is over, then Smyth gets to exit the penalty box before the two minutes are up. However, if Edmonton scores while they're short handed, then nothing happens. Now, this doesn't make sense. Shouldn't the rules say that if Edmonton scores while short handed, then their player is released early? That seems to be a lot more incentive to score a goal then just the fact that they can get another point. I don't know, some people don't have much logic.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I hate being sick

well, since it's spring break, there's not much to write about. I'm sick, and I'm working, so it's not all that bad. My computer is awesome, I havent' really figured out how to use it fully, but I'm learning, so that's awesome.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

My first blog...from my new mac

I got a new computer today. The Imac. wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. that is all

Friday, March 24, 2006


yes, that's right, today was "bring your own banana" at school. The premise: if you bring your own banana, you can get a free banana slpit. I was ready for this grand event, I supported it with my all, and as I was walking down to the gym, I was excited. Alas, upon my arrival...they ran out of ice cream.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Everyday, my buddies and I sit down in the cafeteria at our table, and every day at the end of lunch, our table is nice and clean while all the other tables are garbage heaps. Today, our poor poor table was violated. Some people came from McDonald's and ate at our table, which is fine, but upon their leaving, they left massive amounts of garbage, and there was a garbage can within arms reach! What a bunch of hosebags! nothing sickens me more than when people just carelessly throw their garbage anywhere they want, especially when there's a garbage in the room, or right next to them. What is wrong with people? How can anyone in good concience just leave their scraps any old place they want? Have some dignity for goodness sake.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Second in a day

Man, I shouldn't put more than one post a day, but there's so much on my mind.
tonight's topic: Chivalry. They say that chivalry is dead, and I somewhat agree, every day I mourn the loss of chivalry. This got me to thinking, how exactly did chivalry die? Well, there's one word: Feminism. Now, I'm not anti-women or anything, I just want to make that clear, quite the opposite, I believe that women are far better than men actually. They're smart, we're not, they know what to do most of the time where we just hang around asking each other "what do you want to do" for three hours. It is because of this that I mourn the loss of chivalry. Us guys don't really have much to give, but we try, by opening doors, or paying for our date's movie tickes, or walking on the right side of the sidewalk, so that our girl doesn't potentially get hit by a car. Now, since chivalry is dead, we can't do this anymore without seeming "macho" or "arrogant." This is far from the truth, the simple fact is, that this is all we really can give. Women, please, stay independent, but let us take care of you at least a little bit, we don't do all those things so that we can impress you, it's because we respect you.

from the mind of the Grand Admiral of the chess club

So I was thinking today, why does every club have a president? I know countries have presidents, but they also have "prime ministers" and "kings" and stuff, but Clubs only have presidents, think about it: when was the last time you heard someone say "yeah, so the king of my gun club came over today" or "man, That Emperor of our downhill ski racing club set a new record today"? I think it would be cool to be the prime minister of the radio club or something. It seems like the only cool titles are in governments and religion. We really should mix it up with our clubs here. What I would give to be the Pope of the yearbook comittee.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

So Everyone's talking about blogs these days, (well, no, nobody is anymore, I've just missed the boat, but would like to sound like I was "in" when blogging was really big and new) and I figured "what a great idea, posting my thoughts for all to see on the Internet." Then I thought, "who the heck would read this crap? I don't even think I would." so I didn't do one. But now, I've been thinking again and I figured "nobody's going to read this crap, so I can do one of those blog things" (save my sister Julie who said she would, so I've got one reader.)

Anyway. In dedecation to my first blog, I will pay a tribute to something that we've all seen, but nobody's thought about: Those numbers/letters that you see above the little bar in different colours and sizes (some even have little grids), and you have to type them in, so that the computer can make sure that you're not another computer. For example: mine was "opgtjkzn". Man, without those numbers, there would be telemarketer computers overwhelming the internet! Every single file on a computer could have their own blogs, and all you'd get was like, binary code..everywhere. So... good job little number/letter guys, my hat is off to you, without you, the virtual world would be a much more cluttered place to live.

So today was the "International Day for the Elimination of Racial descrimination," and in honour of that, we had our Chinese Friend: Eric Leung sit with us at lunch today (well, he was sitting there anyway, and someone else brought it up really, but this sounds cooler). Whoever thought of naming a day the "International Day for the Elimination of Racial descrimination?" Who on earth is going to remember that? Why not just call it "Anti-Racist day" or something? Don't get me wrong, it's a really good idea to have a day devoted to the Elimination of Racial descrimination, but seriously, who's going to remember such a long name?
Well, I could say much more about many more things, but that is why I have a blog now, so I can say them another time.