if you love "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Moby Dick," or "A Tale of Two Cities," then prepare to hate all of them with a passion. For this one Autobiography will make you think that all other books look like toilet paper

Friday, April 21, 2006

life happens

I've been turning on myself. One of my own motto's is that "Life happens". It seems that stuff just happens to me, for example, I've been looking for a job (sort of) and now I have to talk to a guy who wants to hire me, I didn't really do anything. But whenever I try to fully take control of something, it usually doesn't work out. God is good at taking care of me, and I'm trying to do things for myself. I've just realized that if I sort of sit back, life will happen, there are a lot of things that are out of my control that I've been trying to take control of, the little things I can handle, but the big things, I just can't worry about. It's kinda frustrating, but life will happen, I'm gonna try and not to worry from now on, I'll live my life the best I can, and God's gonna do the rest, he said so himself, plus, that's what he does, and he's pretty good at it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

no pain, no gain, however, no pain is a lot more comfortable

New shocking news!!!!

I am on the track team.

Now I know what you're thinking, for those of you who know me, "what is a guy like him doing on the Track team?" but wait! Yes I may be "Bigger" "Husky" "Stocky" and all the other words one wants to use for "a little overweight", but it's good for me, and besides, I've got a lot of momentum on me, what better way to put my gut in use than to run as fast as I can, and jump, nay, fly into a sand pit (thank you God for long jump). Anyway, I was at track practice yesterday, and someone threw a bunch of crap (possibly literally) on the long jump track, so I had to practice with the sprinters. Ow ow ow ow ow. everything below my rib cage really hurts. But in the immortal words of almost everyone "no pain, no game"....

...no game is really starting to look like a great option, dang I'm sore.

Monday, April 17, 2006


I hate not having anything to do. It's horrible. It's such a beautiful day outside, but there's not much to do, so I'm inside on my computer. I hope at least you've got something to do, getting sun an whatnot. And when you're 80, and I'm dead form lack of vitamin D (thank you Julie) then I hope you remember me. Hey, then maybe you could start some kind of award for raising awareness for lack of sun. There'd be a trophy with my head on it... my death wouldn't have been in vain. Wow, I should have thought of this sooner, I'm never going to go outside again..... Well, I don't think I want to die just yet, and I love going outside, but when I die, then feel free to raise awareness towards whatever I die of, but make sure someone can win a trophy with my head on it (not my real head of course, just a similar trophy head)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

3 drunk guys on a unicycle

now, there are some details that I must fill you in on. My friend has a unicycle, he's getting really good at it. WE decided to have a bon fire at Jackie Parker Park today, and so Derek took his unicycle along. It was a lot of fun. Now, a little before we were leaving, a bunch of drunk people showed up at the fire, which was fine, and quite comical. Their reactions to the fact that we didn't want any of their liquor, or didn't want to party were really funny. Anyway, once they saw the unicycle, well, I'll see if I can whip up a little dialogue

Drunk Guy#1: hey, sweet, who's ride is this (pointing to the unicycle)
Derek: that's mine
DG#1: woah, S***! Can I try it?
Derek: sure, go ahead
DG#2,3:I wanna try too
#1:F*** This s***'s hard
#2: no way, they F***ing do this on tv all the time, it should be easy
#1:no way man, that's f***ing hard
#3: let me try (long pause as he tries to get up) ow f***! my balls!
#2:no, it's easy, let me try....(he gets up on it, but then falls forward, and then sideways) Damn man, that is harder. On tv they just whip up there and it's all easy, but that's f***ing hard.

so yeah, it was really quite funny. I thouroughly enjoyed my evening, and I reccomend to anyone: if they want a nice time, build a bon fire out in a park on a beautiful night

Friday, April 07, 2006

imac keeps losing

my, what a beautiful day. I really want to do something outside, but I don't konw just what. Anyway, I think I'm going to have to break down, and pay the shipping and handling fee for a new ipod, the mac just ain't cutting it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

ipod vs. Imac

I've got an ipod. It has a virus. I'm hoping that my new computer can get rid of this virus, but it hasn't happened yet, I'll keep you all posted as to what happens.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What are you doing?

why, why, why are you inside?? Go outside and enjoy the beautiful day!! GO!! RIGHT NOW!!!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

horrible drivers

man, I don't like other drivers. Here in this City, there are some really bad drivers out there. People don't understand what a speed LIMIT or a signal light is. What's the use of speeding? I don't get it, you will get there faster yes, but really you'll only save like 2 minutes, and traffic flow will slow you down and it just stresses you out. Plus, you waste more gas. I'm fed up with stupid people, I'm very generous on my horn and I love it. I think that people should have a license test like every year. people don't understand the concept of right-of-way or they don't know what to do when an emergengy vehicle is behind them. what is wrong with people? yellow light means stop, look for pedestrians, and if you're a bad driver and a cop catches you speeding, or running a yellow, or breaking a law that you don't even know about, then you darn well deserve it. People can't just go around uninformed about the laws and stuff, ignorance is certainly not bliss. If you're unsure about the laws of driving, the books are free at any regestry. Come on people, be courteous and polite drivers, and everyone will be happy.